
The latest source code for the TCC can be downloaded from GitHub:

The TCC uses the free open source build system CMake ( to generate makefiles.

To build on systems other than Windows

From a terminal in the TCC directory execute:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

To build on Windows with MinGW

From a command prompt in the TCC directory execute:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
mingw32-make.exe install

Compilation with Visual Studio is not tested.

Specifying install directory

By default the compiled TCC binary is installed to the bin directory in the loacation of the source. To specify an alternative install directory for the binary, use the command:


where <PATH> is the desired install directory.

To build with debug symbols

Building with debug symbols may be useful for debugging or profiling. Compile using:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Testing the TCC

It is recommended you test the TCC to check it is compiled correctly on your system, this requires Python and the pytest, NumPy and Pandas libraries. The test will run a short configurration to check clusters are correctly detected.

Before running the tests it required to first install the tcc_python_scripts module to your Python envrionment as described in Python Scrips Installation

Once you have built the TCC, cd to the main TCC directory and type pytest