This is a chronological list of publications that have made use of the TCC
- Topological Classification of Clusters in Condensed Phases - Stephen Williams arXiv:0705.0203 (2007)
- Direct observation of a local structural mechanism for dynamic arrest - C.P. Royall et al. Nature Materials 7, 556-561 (2008)
- Geometric frustration in small colloidal clusters - Alex Malins et al. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 21, No 42 (2009)
- A structural comparison of models of colloid–polymer mixtures - Jade Taffs et al. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 22, No 10 (2010)
- The effect of attractions on the local structure of liquids and colloidal fluids - Jade Taffs et al. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 244901 (2011)
- The effect of inter-cluster interactions on the structure of colloidal clusters - Alex Malins et al. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 357, Issue 2 (2011)
- Local structure of liquid–vapour interfaces - Maia Godonoga et al. Molecular Physics, 109, 7-10, 1393-1402 (2011)
- Identification of long-lived clusters and their link to slow dynamics in a model glass former - Alex Malins et al. Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 12, (2012)
- The role of quench rate in colloidal gels - C.P. Royall and Alex Malins Faraday Discussions, 158, 301-311 (2012)
- First-Order Phase Transition in a Model Glass Former: Coupling of Local Structure and Dynamics - Thomas Speck et al. Physical Review Letters, 109, 19, 195703 (2013)
- Structure and kinetics in the freezing of nearly hard spheres - Jade Taffs et al. Soft Matter, 9, 297-305 (2013)
- Lifetimes and lengthscales of structural motifs in a model glassformer - Alex Malins et al. Faraday Discussions, 167, 405-423 (2013)
- Novel kinetic trapping in charged colloidal clusters due to self-induced surface charge organization - Christian Klix et al. Scientific Reports, Vol. 3, 2072 (2013)
- Identification of structure in condensed matter with the topological cluster classification - Alex Malins et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139, 234506 (2013)
- Investigating isomorphs with the topological cluster classification - Alex Malins et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139, 234505 (2013)
- Strong geometric frustration in model glassformers - C.P. Royall et al. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 407, 34-43 (2014)
- Probing Colloidal Gels at Multiple Length Scales: The Role of Hydrodynamics - C.P. Royall et al. Physical Review Letters, 114, 258302 (2015)
- The nature of geometric frustration in the Kob-Andersen mixture - Peter Crowther et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 044503 (2015)
- Recasting a model atomistic glassformer as a system of icosahedra - Rhiannon Pinney et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 244507 (2016)
- Crystallisation driven by sedimentation: a particle resolved study - Francesco Turci and C.P. Royall J. Stat. Mech., 084004 (2016).
- Polydisperse hard spheres: crystallization kinetics in small systems and role of local structure - Matteo Campo and Thomas Speck J. Stat. Mech., 084007 (2016).
- The role of fivefold symmetry in suppressing crystallization - Jade Taffs and C.P. Royall Nature Communications, Vol. 7, 13225 (2016)
- Controlling local order of athermal self-propelled particles - Niamh Dougan et al. J. Stat. Mech., 124001 (2016)
- Structure in sheared supercooled liquids: Dynamical rearrangements of an effective system of icosahedra - Rhiannon Pinney et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, 234501 (2016)
- Oil-in-water microfluidics on the colloidal scale: new routes to self-assembly and glassy packings - Max Meissner et al. Soft Matter, 13, 788-794 (2017)
- Effects of vertical confinement on gelation and sedimentation of colloids - Azaima Razali et al. Soft Matter, 13, 3230-3239 (2017)
- Local structure of percolating gels at very low volume fractions - Sam Griffiths et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 014905 (2017)
- Locally favoured structures and dynamic length scales in a simple glass-former - C.P Royall and Walther Kob J. Stat. Mech., 024001 (2017)
- Experimental evidence for a structural-dynamical transition in trajectory space - Rattachai Pinchaipat et al. Physical Review Letters, 119, 028004 (2017)
- Weak temperature dependence of ageing of structural properties in atomistic model glassformers - Thomas Jenkinson et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 147, 054501 (2017)
- Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in an Atomistic Glassformer: The Connection to Thermodynamics - Francesco Turci et al. Physical Review X, 7, 031028 (2017)
- Coupling between criticality and gelation in “sticky” spheres: a structural analysis - David Richard et al. Soft Matter (2018)
- Vitrification and gelation in sticky spheres - C.P. Royall et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 044501 (2018)
- Yielding of a model glass former: An interpretation with an effective system of icosahedra - Rhiannon Pinney et al. Physical Review E, 97, 032609 (2018)
- Structural-dynamical transition in the Wahnström mixture - Francesco Turci et al. - The European Physical Journal E 41, 1-12 (2018)