Source code for

import numpy as np
from sys import argv
from glob import glob

def _set_up():
    # Read XYZ file name from argv
    if len(argv) != 3:
        print("Usage python directory_name priority_list")
        raise IndexError
    dir_name = argv[1]
    pritority_list = argv[2]
    return dir_name, pritority_list

def _load_cluster_data(num_particles, priority_list, dir_name):
    # Load data from the raw file into a dictionary
    raw_data = {}

    print("Reading data from raw files...")
    for species in priority_list:
        raw_data[species] = []
        filename = glob(dir_name + "/*" + species)[0]
        lines_read = 0
        for frame_particles in num_particles:
            raw_data[species].append(np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=lines_read+2, invalid_raise=False,
                                                   usecols=[0], dtype='U1', max_rows=frame_particles))
            lines_read += (frame_particles + 2)

    print("Data read complete...")
    return raw_data

def _is_particle_in_cluster(particle_identifier, frame_number):
    # A cluster is found if the particle identifier is the letter C or D.
    return np.logical_or(particle_identifier[frame_number] == 'C', particle_identifier[frame_number] == 'D')

def _write_output_file(gross_percentage, net_percentage, priority_list, dir_name):
    with open(dir_name + "/net_clusters.txt", 'w') as output_file:
        for species in priority_list:
            output_file.write(species + ":\t%f\t%f\n" % (gross_percentage[species], net_percentage[species]))
    print("Analysis complete. Output file written.")

def _get_particles_per_frame(dir_name, priority_list):
    # Returns a list of particle numbers, one for each time frame
    num_particles = []
    filename = glob(dir_name + "/*" + priority_list[0])[0]
    with open(filename, 'r') as xyz_file:
        line = xyz_file.readline()
        while line != "":
            # Skip the comment and all the data
            for i in range(num_particles[-1] + 1):
            line = xyz_file.readline()

    return num_particles

[docs]def net_cluster_calculation(dir_name, priority_list): """ Take gross TCC cluster population and calculate net cluster population. Args: dir_name: Directory containing python RAW output files. priority_list: List of cluster names in order of priority """ priority_list = priority_list.strip('()').split(", ") frame_particles_list = _get_particles_per_frame(dir_name, priority_list) total_particles = sum(frame_particles_list) raw_data = _load_cluster_data(frame_particles_list, priority_list, dir_name) gross_percentage = {} net_percentage = {} # intitialse totals for species in priority_list: gross_percentage[species] = 0 net_percentage[species] = 0 # Loop through the clusters in priority list and process each for frame_number, particles_in_frame in enumerate(frame_particles_list): cluster_tracker = np.full(particles_in_frame, False) gross_list = {} net_list = {} for species in priority_list: gross_list[species] = _is_particle_in_cluster(raw_data[species], frame_number) net_list[species] = np.logical_and(gross_list[species], np.logical_not(cluster_tracker)) cluster_tracker += gross_list[species] net_percentage[species] += net_list[species].sum(axis=0) / float(total_particles) gross_percentage[species] += gross_list[species].sum(axis=0) / float(total_particles) _write_output_file(gross_percentage, net_percentage, priority_list, dir_name)
if __name__ == '__main__': directory_name, cluster_list = _set_up() net_cluster_calculation(directory_name, cluster_list)