Source code for tcc_python_scripts.post_processing.cluster_movie_maker

""" A script to take the RAW file output from the TCC and produce a combined
    cluster XYZ for rendering. Takes a cluster list argument and labels
    particles according to the list priority."""

import sys
import io
import string

[docs]def add_cluster_to_xyz(xyz_frame, particle_types, cluster_number): """ Given a list of particle types, overwrite the cluster type in xyz_frame if a particle is in a cluster. Args: xyz_frame (cluster_movie_maker.Snapshot): A snapshot of the system. particle_types (list of string): Whether particles are in a cluster or not. "A" and "B" correspond to particles not in a cluster while "C" and "D" correspond to particles in a cluster cluster_number (integer): The index of the cluster in the priority Returns: cluster_movie_maker.Snapshot: an updated XYZ snapshot. """ for index, particle in enumerate(particle_types): if particle == "C" or particle == "D": xyz_frame.particle_species[index] = \ string.ascii_uppercase[cluster_number + 1] return xyz_frame
[docs]def prepare_output_file(output_filename): """ Open the output file once at the beginning of the analysis to delete any previous copy. """ open(output_filename, 'w').close()
[docs]def main(xyz_name, raw_stub, cluster_list): """ The main loop. Returns: int: 0 if script ran successfully. """ output_filename = "" cluster_list = list(reversed(cluster_list.split())) raw_file_handles = open_raw_files(cluster_list, raw_stub) xyz_file = XyzFileReader(xyz_name) print("Particles not in any cluster are labelled with the letter A") prepare_output_file(output_filename) for frame_number, xyz_frame in enumerate(xyz_file): for index, raw_file in enumerate(raw_file_handles): cluster_types = raw_file.get_frame() xyz_frame = add_cluster_to_xyz(xyz_frame, cluster_types, index) if frame_number == 0: print("Cluster type {} is labelled with the letter {}".format( raw_file.cluster_name, string.ascii_uppercase[index + 1])) xyz_frame.write_xyz(output_filename)
[docs]def open_raw_files(cluster_list, raw_stub): """ Given a list of clusters, open the corresponding TCC RAW files. Args: cluster_list (list of string): TCC cluster names in reverse order of priority. raw_stub (string): The base of the RAW file name relative to the working directory. Returns: list of RawFileReader: Objects representing the open RAW files. """ raw_file_handles = [] for cluster_type in cluster_list: raw_file_handles.append(RawFileReader(raw_stub, cluster_type)) return raw_file_handles
[docs]def process_arguments(): """ Process the command line arguments and return variables with the values. Returns: strings: Processed command line parameters. """ if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Syntax: ./ " " cluster_priority_list") sys.exit() xyz_name = sys.argv[1] raw_stub = sys.argv[2] cluster_list = sys.argv[3] return xyz_name, raw_stub, cluster_list
[docs]class XyzFileReader: """ Generator for xyz files. Opens a file handle when the object is instantiated. Iteration then returns the file frame by frame. """ def __init__(self, file_name): """ On instantiation, open a file handle to file_name. Args: file_name (string): The xyz file to open. """ self.file_handle = open(file_name, 'r') def __iter__(self): """ Reads a single frame from the xyz and returns it. Returns: Snapshot: A snapshot object representing a single frame from the xyz. """ line = self.file_handle.readline() while line != "" and line != "\n": xyz_snapshot = Snapshot() xyz_snapshot.num_particles = self.process_num_particles(line) xyz_snapshot.comment = self.file_handle.readline() for particle in range(xyz_snapshot.num_particles): line = self.file_handle.readline().split() # All particles are labelled "A" as this represents not being # present in a cluster. This value is later overwritten if it # is in a cluster. xyz_snapshot.particle_species.append("A") xyz_snapshot.x_coordinates.append(float(line[1])) xyz_snapshot.y_coordinates.append(float(line[2])) xyz_snapshot.z_coordinates.append(float(line[3])) yield xyz_snapshot # Read the first line of the next frame line = self.file_handle.readline()
[docs] @staticmethod def process_num_particles(line): """ Process the first line of an XYZ frame to make sure that it is a valid number. Args: line (string): The first line of an xyz frame. Returns: integer: The number of particles from line. """ try: num_particles = int(line) except TypeError: print("Error reading number of particles from XYZ file.") raise TypeError return num_particles
[docs]class RawFileReader: """ Reader for TCC .RAW files. Instantiation opens a file handle and the get frame method then allows the file to be read a frame at a time. """ def __init__(self, file_stub, cluster_type): """ Open the RAW file specified by file_name. Args: file_stub (string): The base of the file name relative to the working directory. cluster_type (string): The TCC cluster type e.g. "10A" """ file_name = "{}{}".format(file_stub, cluster_type) self.file_handle = open(file_name, "r") self.num_particles = 0 self.cluster_name = cluster_type
[docs] def get_frame(self): """ Get a single frame of data from the raw file. Returns: list of string: Whether the particles are in a cluster or not. """ self.num_particles = int(self.file_handle.readline()) # Skip the comment line _ = self.file_handle.readline() type_list = [] for particle in range(self.num_particles): line = self.file_handle.readline().split() type_list.append(line[0]) return type_list
[docs]class Snapshot: """ Object representing a single configuration of a system with particle types and coordinates. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise variables. """ self.num_particles = 0 self.comment = "" self.particle_species = [] self.x_coordinates = [] self.y_coordinates = [] self.z_coordinates = [] def __str__(self): """" Returns: string: String representation of the Snapshot. """ buffer = io.StringIO() for particle in range(self.num_particles): buffer.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(self.particle_species[particle], self.x_coordinates[particle], self.y_coordinates[particle], self.z_coordinates[particle])) return buffer.getvalue()
[docs] def write_xyz(self, output_name): """ Write the Snapshot to an xyz file. """ with open(output_name, 'a') as output_file: output_file.write("{}\n".format(self.num_particles)) output_file.write("{}".format(self.comment)) for particle in range(self.num_particles): output_file.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n". format(self.particle_species[particle], self.x_coordinates[particle], self.y_coordinates[particle], self.z_coordinates[particle]))
if __name__ == "__main__": xyz_name, raw_stub, cluster_list = process_arguments() main(xyz_name, raw_stub, cluster_list)