Source code for

""" Module for reading and writing snapshots from and to XYZ (.xyz) file formats."""

import io
import numpy
import pandas
from tcc_python_scripts.file_readers.snapshot import stream_safe_open, NoSnapshotError, SnapshotIncompleteError, Snapshot

[docs]class XYZSnapshot(Snapshot): """Snapshot of a system of particles in XYZ (.xyz) file format. Interface defined in parent class Snapshot. Further documentation can be found there. """ def _read(self, path_or_file): """ Read a single XYZ snapshot from a file. Overwrites any exisiting data in the Snaphsot object. Raises: NoSnapshotError if file could not be read. Args: path_or_file: file stream or path to read snapshot from """ with stream_safe_open(path_or_file) as input_file: # Read the header - check for EOF. number_of_particles = self._process_number_of_particles(input_file) # Read and igore the comment line input_file.readline() # Use pandas to read the main table. string_buffer = io.StringIO() for line_number in range(number_of_particles): line = (input_file.readline()) if len(line.split()) != 4: raise SnapshotIncompleteError("Error reading XYZ file on line number {}".format(line_number)) string_buffer.write(line) table = pandas.read_table(string_buffer, sep='\s+', names=('atom', 'x', 'y', 'z'), nrows=number_of_particles) if table.shape[0] != number_of_particles: raise SnapshotIncompleteError self.particle_coordinates = table[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.copy('c').astype(numpy.longdouble) self.species = table['atom'].tolist() self.time = = None @staticmethod def _process_number_of_particles(file): """ Sanitises the number of particles read from an XYZ file. Args: an open file handle to the xyz file Raises: SnapshotIncompleteError if number of particles cannot be interpreted Returns: an integer number of particles. """ line = file.readline() if not line: raise NoSnapshotError if len(line.split()) > 1: raise SnapshotIncompleteError("Can't read number of particles from XYZ file.") try: number_of_particles = int(line) except ValueError: raise SnapshotIncompleteError("Can't read number of particles from XYZ file.") if not number_of_particles > 0: raise NoSnapshotError return number_of_particles def __str__(self): """String representation of the snapshot in XYZ (.xyz) format""" f = io.StringIO() # Header states number of particles (we have ignored comment line) f.write('%d\n' % self.num_particles) # Single component system if type(self.species) is str: for i in range(self.num_particles): f.write('\n') f.write('%s ' % self.species) f.write(' '.join(map(str, self.particle_coordinates[i, :]))) # Handle particle species separately else: for i in range(self.num_particles): f.write('\n') f.write('%s ' % self.species[i]) f.write(' '.join(map(str, self.particle_coordinates[i, :]))) return f.getvalue()
[docs]def read(file_name): """ Returns a generator that reads one or more snapshots from an xyz file. Args: file_name: Name of XYZ file to read. Returns: A generator object that generates Snapshots. """ return XYZSnapshot.read_trajectory(file_name)
[docs]def write_snapshot(output_filename, snapshot_list): """ Write one or more snapshots to the disk. Args: output_filename: The filename to write the coordinates to. snapshot_list: A list of XYZSnapshots. """ for snapshot in snapshot_list: snapshot.write(output_filename)
[docs]def write(output_filename, particle_coordinates, species=None): """ Write a single configuration to the disk. Args: output_filename: The filename to write the coordinates to. particle_coordinates: A list of particle coordinates species: A list of particle species. Defaults all particles to 'A' if not provided. """ snapshot = XYZSnapshot(particle_coordinates, species=species) snapshot.write(output_filename)