Source code for tcc_python_scripts.file_readers.snapshot

Module defining interface for reading and writing snapshots in various file formats. A snapshot is an object which
holds data about a configuration of particles at a single point in time. A series of snapshots can be used to describe
a trajectory in time.

import numpy
import contextlib
import abc

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def stream_safe_open(path_or_file, mode='r'): """Context manager for parsers which accept an open file stream or a file path to open. Args: path_or_file: either an open file stream (in which case the context manager does nothing and returns it) or a path (in which case the context manager will open this, return a stream and then clean up) mode: mode to open file in, 'r' for read, 'w' for write """ if isinstance(path_or_file, str): file_object = file_to_close = open(path_or_file, mode) else: file_object = path_or_file file_to_close = None try: yield file_object finally: if file_to_close: file_to_close.close()
[docs]class NoSnapshotError(RuntimeError): """Exception raised when not able to read a snapshot from a file.""" pass
[docs]class SnapshotIncompleteError(RuntimeError): """Exception raised when a snapshot is partially read but not all particles are found or the coordinates cannot be read.""" pass
[docs]class Snapshot: """Snapshot of a system of particles. A snapshot is a single configuration of particles at a point in time. Attributes: particle_coordinates: particle coordinates (num_particles by dimensionality container) box: box containing the particles (d by 2 container) species: labels of the particle species (string or container of strings) time: time or frame of the snapshot within a trajectory (integer or float) """ def __init__(self, particle_coordinates=numpy.empty((0, 0)), box=None, species=None, time=0): """Create a new snapshot.""" self.particle_coordinates = particle_coordinates = box if species is None: self.species = ['A'] * self.num_particles else: self.species = species self.time = time
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns: A deep copy of the snapshot. """ return Snapshot(self.particle_coordinates.copy(),, self.species.copy(), self.time)
@property def num_particles(self): """ Returns: Number of particles in snapshot. """ return len(self.particle_coordinates) @property def dimensionality(self): """ Returns: Dimensionality of configuration space. """ return self.particle_coordinates.shape[1]
[docs] @classmethod def read_single(cls, path_or_file): """Read a single snapshot from the disk. Example: >>> Snapshot.read_single('snapshot.atom') <snapshot n=10976 t=0> Args: cls: derived class defining specific file format path_or_file: file stream or path to read snapshot from Returns: snapshot: the snapshot read from disk Raises: NoSnapshotError: if could not read from file RuntimeException: if did not recognise file format """ with stream_safe_open(path_or_file) as f: snap = cls() snap._read(f) return snap
[docs] @classmethod def read_trajectory(cls, path_or_file): """A generator that reads snapshots from a file. Args: path_or_file: file stream or path to read trajectory from Raises: NoSnapshotError: if file could not be read. RuntimeException: file format is not recognised """ with stream_safe_open(path_or_file) as f: while True: snap = cls() try: snap._read(f) except NoSnapshotError: break yield snap
[docs] def write(self, output_file): """Dump the snapshot to a file. Args: output_file: file or path to write the snapshot to """ with stream_safe_open(output_file, 'w') as output_file: xyz_frame = str(self) output_file.write(xyz_frame) output_file.write('\n')
def __repr__(self): """Internal representation of the object for printing to debugger.""" return '<snapshot n=%r t=%r>' % (self.num_particles, self.time) @abc.abstractmethod def __str__(self): """ String representation of the snapshot in the chosen format not implemented in the base class, and must be written for specific formats. """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _read(self, file_or_stream): """ Function to read a snapshot from a file. Not implemented in base class and must be written for specific file formats. """ raise NotImplementedError